Five Planning Tips Straight from Travel Agents

Take a look at the fine print of the hotel.

After you have Travel Agents found the perfect hotel, make sure to carefully read all terms and conditions. You could end up paying more than what you expected, including cancellation fees and daily hotel resort fees. Erika Richter, spokesperson for the American Society of Travel Advisors is quoted as saying that hidden hotel resort fees are intended to confuse customers and distort actual prices. Sometimes they are called “facility fees”; make sure to ask before you book.

Keep an extra outfit in your bag.

Check your luggage and make sure you have a change of clothes. Kalyn Franke, a travel agent, says that if your luggage is lost or takes a while for it to reach you, you will be so thankful that you have a change of clothes.

Keep a copy of your itinerary in a bag.

No one thinks that they will lose their luggage. Even if your connection isn’t perfect, there are many factors that can delay your luggage. Perspectives Travel’s owner and travel advisor Amina Dearmon suggests that you print a copy of the itinerary and pack it with your checked luggage so that airlines can return it to it. Dearmon says that if you are only at your first destination for a few days, the airline will be able to determine where you’re going next and send your bag to you.

Get a passport cover that is colorful.

A helpful tip is to “buy an attractive, flat and colorful passport holder that’s easy to find quickly.” Boutique Travel Advisors’ Kim Parizek carries a pink passport holder. This allows her to quickly spot her passport amid the chaos of security and customs.

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Keep slippers in your bag.

Slippers are recommended for comfort and sanitation, regardless of whether they’re from an amenity pair or a pair you bought at a Travel Agents drugstore. You can still walk down the aisle with slippers even if your feet feel swollen during flight.

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